Nursing Care for Jocelyn

jocelyn de iulio has received some much needed in-home nursing care funded by Australian Children's Charity I Give A Buck Foundation

Enabling parents to have some much needed time away from the pressures of caring for their little ones 24 hours a day can mean the difference between them coping or not coping with the physical and psychological demands that come into play when you have a child with high dependency needs.

Funding in-home nursing care for children is one of the ways that we can support parents in their hour of need, give them some breathing space, get them out of the house and enable them to have some time as a couple – all things vital to maintaining the stability of the family unit.

We funded over $10,000 of respite care in 2011 and have just funded $154.40 for 4 hours of in-home nursing for Jocelyn today.

We use grant funding (when we have it) General Donations and occasionally funds in our Emergency Fund (for eligible children) to pay for these nursing services.  If you’d like to help support families in this most important way, you can make a general donation.

Australian children’s charity I Give A Buck Foundation of Australia Ltd assists children from disadvantaged families who also suffer from a life-threatening or life-altering illness or condition – with particular focus on terminally ill children.