So many people to thank!

Madison  helped to her feet by the people of GeelongWell! It was a day full of shattered records yesterday – and today wasn’t far behind.  We’ve had over $6,000 donated in just over 24 hours!  We’ve received our biggest single donation ever of $2,000!  We’ve had two press articles in 24 hours. We’ve wrapped up an appeal in record time!  SO exciting.

Thanks must go to Carl Dickens from the Geelong Advertiser for writing two wonderful articles about Madison’s Appeal.  Madison’s story touched so may hearts – as we knew it would.

Thanks also to Madison and her wonderful parents for their willingness to ‘go public’ with their plight.

Last, but not least, oh no, are our wonderful donors.  And here’s the honour roll: Sandra Foley, Dean Montgomery, Roger May, Matt Taylor, Glenys Bartlett, Kimberley Rice, Verity Smith, Greg Barnes, Melissa Kearney, Andrew Daffy, Janet Kweh, Margaret Phelan, Helena Pope, Maria Kitjapanon, Lydia Graham, Narelle Loney, Ryan Herbert, Drysdale Community Craft Shop, Saurabh Nagpal, Warren Mead, Melissa Greaves, Sue Dicker, Brian Seow, Debbie Rayson, Megan Wasylewski, Claire Goodall, Andrew Clancy, Chuck Silva, Peter Brady, Kylie Craig.

I’m off to have another shot of caffeine in preparation for the flood of donations after Madison’s story appears on Channel 31’s Geelong News tonight!