Sophie’s Appeal Launches

Rett Syndrome sufferer Sophie is being helped by Australian Children's Charity, I Give A Buck Foundation9 year old Sophie suffers from Rett Syndrome – an untreatable, incurable degenerative condition that affects just 1 in every 10,000 girls.

Sophie has many physical symptoms including an inability to sleep, ongoing pain, ongoing itching, seizures, loss of limb control, and an inability to eat normally requiring her to be fed via a tube in her tummy.  She cannot talk but can communicate her likes and dislikes with sounds.

Sophie is dependent on 24 hour care, provided by her devoted parents.

Sophie’s pain can often be alleviated by immersing her body in warm water and her pain management team at The Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane have recommended that the family modify their bathroom to incorporate a modified bath and the appropriate hoists to safely lift Sophie in and out and to support her whilst she is in it.

Sophie’s family have done an amazing job so far in their efforts to raise the $12,820.50 needed for the bathroom modifications. They have raised:

  • $6,993 from St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland’s Home Maintenance & Modification Program
  • $1,900 with the help of the Helensvale Scouts who walked from Palm Beach to Surfers’ Paradise
  • $1,300 with the help of Lollipop’s Playland at Springwood who ran a disco
  • $500 from their local chaplain service

That only leaves $2,127.50 and we’re only too pleased to be able to launch this appeal to help raise that shortfall.

To read more and donate to Sophie’s Appeal, click here